BTC Mining Mini (128 TH/S or 134 TH/s – 3328W or 3380W

!With rapid market changes, miner prices can vary frequently, even within a short time!


The profitability of the BTC Mining Mini depends on factors such as the current BTC price, network difficulty, and electricity costs.

Assuming an electricity price of $0.05 per kWh, the estimated daily earnings and costs are as follows:

• Daily Revenue: 0.016937 BCH & 0.000072 BTC (+- $14,91)

• Daily Electricity Cost: Approximately $3.93

Note: These estimates are based on current market data and may fluctuate due to changes in BTC price, network difficulty, and electricity costs.

 4.336,95 4.466,94



Key Specifications:

• Hashrate: Variants of 128 TH/s and 134 TH/s
• Power Consumption: Approximately 3,328 W – 3,380 W
• Energy Efficiency: Approximately 26 J/T
• Supported Cryptocurrencies: BTC and BCH
• Connectivity: Ethernet
• Dimensions: 125 mm (L) x 225 mm (W) x 425 mm (H)
• Weight: 11.7 kg

•Temperature: 5 – 45 °C
• Noise Level: 75 d